... I am A restless brain ...

Sunday, February 5, 2012

result exam yang..(T_T)..mahu bangun dari kejatuhan. move on!

Mood : result surgery yang (T_T)

in ups and downs in life, always remember that Allah is near, nearer to u more than your own self. in all the smiles and tears, life tests are given by HIM because of HIS love, tests make us stronger and tougher.

even sometimes things that happened hurt too much, more than we can ever take, Allah is always THE HEALER.return to HIM, asks from HIM, HE definitely will always listened to all your duaa.

if u fell or slipped in life, its okay. get up and continue your journey. dont be terrified by the fall for too long, as people who are weak will be left behind. wrap the wound with patient and tawakkal, move on. just move on and let the fall be your motivation to make giant leaps further in life.

ALWAYS remember, Allah is always with u. Allah is the one who gives u success. Allah is the one who gives you everything, not human, not even yourself. trust in Allah, then u will never give up, no matter how bad the fall was.because Allah knows, always knows. the trust and faith in Allah really differs successful people from the others.

mari renungkan sejenak;

TAHUKAH KITA? Ketika Allah rindu pada hambanya, Allah akan mengirimkan sebuah hadiah istimewa melalui malaikat Jibril yang isinya adalah ujian…

Dalam hadith qudsi Allah berfirman:

“Pergilah pada hambaku lalu timpakanlah berbagai ujian padanya kerana Aku ingin mendengar rintihannya.”(HR. Thabrani dari Abu Umamah)

Abu Said dan Abu Hurairah r.a. meriwayatkan bahawa Nabi SAW. bersabda:

“Seorang muslim yang ditimpa penderitaan, kegundahan, kesedihan, kesakitan, gangguan, dan kerisauan, bahkan hanya terkena duri sekalipun, semuanya itu merupakan kafarat (penebus) dari dosa-dosanya.”
(H.R. Bukhari dan Muslim)

Remember, failure to plan is planning to fail.


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